You have landed, hello!

I'm Maciej. When something interesting comes to my mind I may write about it. I like to scribble in a loose way (concise when needed) with the focus on web and other technical things.

Be the source of your technical decisions

Let people be your lenses, not eyes

Introduction to doing auth at scale

Explaining blocks comprising modern, web authentication systems of any scale

Barebones http server with vite and express

How to boost your express (or any other old server) with modern tooling and dependency injection support

Remix api handler pattern

Remix can serve the niche role of being a backend framework. If you are accustomed to existing backend frameworks, you might want to associate HTTP verbs with single functions, instead of having only "loaders" and "actions". Let's implement that.

Automatic releases with Github Actions

A recipe for a minimal, self-documenting release process, with bonus deployoments. Language agnostic!

Let's talk about hiring

It's a package deal, and deals are negotiable.

Behind the scenes of a React upgrade

At work, we have migrated a service from React 17 to 18. I did not see many resources that tell a full story of a such processeses, so let's talk about it.

Deploying umami to

How to host your personal google analytics alternative.

The tale of a simple blog

As we know it, making a personal site takes time. To even start, I gave myself a goal - create the most basic blog and start writing. Pretty simple, huh? Not really.